Dogs with special needs always have a special gift to share with others, and it often has to do with their optimistic attitudes toward life, despite their shortcomings. This is an uncommon disease that inhibits the proper development of the vertebrae, giving the dog a neckless appearance and a very short back. There are only 13 dogs in the world known to have the disorder. Short spine syndrome was present at birth in the small dog. In this article, we will take a closer look at the top 10 rarest dog breeds. Short spine syndrome, caused by inbreeding, means the two-year-old pooch appears to have no neck and his butt is on his back. While some breeds are more common than others, there are several rare dog breeds that are not often seen in everyday life. The shelter first thought that he had lived his life in a kennel, but the pup was later diagnosed with short spine syndrome. Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, with over 300 recognized breeds around the world. He was rescued by Secondhand Hounds on Thursday in Minnesota. Wow! Such determination and positivity from this strong girl. Quasimodo, a 3-year-old German shepherd, has short spine syndrome. Watch the video below to get to know Pig and learn more about her incredible story! Because of this, if the dog wants to look behind. At just 1 year old, Pig is training to become a therapy dog! So amazing that a dog with her own challenges is excited to be spreading joy to others around her. While Quasi is now a happy and confident dog, his rare condition means Mairose and her colleagues are taking their time before rehoming him. In most dogs with Short Spine Syndrome the cervical spine compression makes it look like the dog has no neck. Still, that doesn’t take away from this pup’s sweet-natured enthusiasm. Pig often has to hop around like a bunny due to her condition, and basic things that many other dogs can do easily, like scratching an itch, prove difficult for her. We Care About Your Privacy About Your Privacy. Dog With Short Spine Syndrome Running German Shepherds are a large and active breed, known for their intelligence and loyalty. Pig is a Chow-mix with a rare condition called “short spin syndrome,” resulting in no neck and disproportionate torso length, this sweet girl has an energetic affectionate personality, despite the physical challenges she faces. short spine syndrome A special dog named Quasimodo has the Internet talking. According to Dog Time, Short Spine Syndrom is a condition characterized by a severe shortening of the vertebrae column/spinal column. What is known is that the German Shepherd Dog has Short Spine Syndrome. He has a rare genetic condition called 'short spine syndrome. Dog With Short Spine Who Was Found As A Stray Has Nothing But Love In His Heart by pawbuzz on Main Dogs 0 Found as a stray and brought to a southern shelter, not much is known about Quasimodo’s past life. On his second day with the rescue, Quasimodo went for a vet assessment.Just because a person or animal looks different than most others, it doesn’t mean they deserve any less love, companionship or kindness. 11K views 2 years ago Squishy lived until he was four years old with his breeders. This causes them to be unable to turn their heads back to see what’s behind them. That little Taz is a tear-jerker Share on Facebook Email This Video Subscribe For Emails. Dogs with Short Spine Syndrome have very short spines because of the condition. All hope for Quasimodo finding a home wasn’t lost, since two other dogs with the same spinal problem, Pig and Cuda, were able to find forever homes despite their special needs. Dog with rare short spine syndrome gets forever home. His spinal condition was most likely a result of backyard breeding. One of these conditions is called short spine syndrome. Quasimodo’s condition caused a twist in his spine, meaning that later in his life there could be health problems developing with his internal organs. Dogs can suffer from spinal injuries and have deformities of the spine.

Given how well Quasimodo had ingratiated himself with the rescue, there was no doubt they were going to do everything they could to find him a home.

The rescue group immediately took a shine to him, describing the special needs dog as a “friendly, wonderful, sweet boy.” Photo credit: Secondhand Hounds When Quasimodo was rescued by the Secondhand Hounds of Minnesota, he was believed to be about 5-years-old. The genetic condition is so rare, it meant that Quasimodo was only one of 13 dogs in the entire world known to have the affliction. That was all that was known about his past when he ended up in a shelter. Quasimodo was a stray down in the south with Short Spine Syndrome. Provide Exercise, Discipline, Affection.